You haven't had your driving license for too long, but you have already collected a few points in Flensburg that you want to get rid of? Then it was not a big problem to come to our driving school Südstern in Kreuzberg and to visit our ASP advanced seminar Berlin for point conspicuous. So you could easily reduce your points successfully.
With the new "points reform" and the associated changed provisions for the listing and evaluation of violations, the introduced repayment periods and regulations, the legislator has also abolished these ASP seminars in their previous form and with the introduction of a FES aptitude to drive seminar from May 1st, 2014 . Newly worded in terms of content and organization.
Holders of a driving license can still reduce their Flensburg points through the FES driving aptitude seminar. However, this only applies to voluntary participation. No points can be redeemed by completing the compulsory driving aptitude seminar with a score of 6 - 7 points. Only the rigid repayment periods apply here. If you participate voluntarily, you can repay up to four points. So - be sure to note: Voluntary work is honored under the given conditions.
In terms of content, this new driving aptitude seminar consists of a traffic pedagogical and a traffic psychological sub-measure, which must be carried out one after the other.
The aim of the traffic education sub-measure is to improve your knowledge of correct risk behavior and, above all, to train your skills in recognizing dangerous situations and reacting correctly to prevent possible problems.
In the traffic psychological sub-measure you should learn to recognize and evaluate your own behavior more self-critically and thus better. This will lead to the fact that, through good self-observation, you will recognize the connection between your own roadworthy and illegal behavior and react correctly in road traffic according to the regulations.
The FES driving aptitude seminar thus consists of a first traffic-pedagogical part, which you can complete in 2 x 90 minutes at our driving school Südstern in Kreuzberg, and a second traffic-psychological part with 2 sessions with a traffic psychologist.
It all sounds a bit complicated and difficult at first. But the drop in points that you can achieve through the voluntary FES driving aptitude seminar should be worth it - because then you are definitely on the safe side. If you do get caught somewhere, then you have free points capacity again in Flensburg and you don't have to hand in your driving license right away, but can again, like many others who did not collect too many points, take part in road traffic without a care.
Simply contact us and we will explain everything to you and discuss the necessary steps.
The Südstern driving school is authorized to conduct and organize such a driving aptitude seminar. In order to be able to attend such a seminar, we will first discuss all the steps together and initiate them so that you can drive error-free in the future and keep your driver's license.
As I said - get in touch with our driving instructors and get an appointment for a seminar in our driving school today. Come to us - we will help you.